The learning area of The Arts in the Marautanga o Aotearoa celebrates and acknowledges the skills and knowledge of the past, and empowers and challenges the thinking of the now and the future. It contributes to our intellectual knowing, and to our social, cultural, and spiritual being. The Arts is forever changing, and therefore the achievement objectives in this learning area allow for, and support that changing notion. The achievement objectives are purposefully wide in their scope to acknowledge that there are numerous entry points, endless viewpoints to what is considered art, and limitless experiences. There are connections, acknowledgement, and use of knowledge, ideas, and thinking from the previous curriculum for the arts and this present document.
In levels 1 and 2 the principal objective is the exploration and growing of art skill, in the use of materials and tools, and art knowledge and articulation of their own art. Levels 3-5 shift more to the doing aspect of art preparation, art thinking, and testing of ideas, interpretation of others art, and more abstract thinking. Levels 6 - 8 are the refinement of practice and thought. Artists are more inquisitive and critical of their own, and others‘ artwork. The achievement objectives at these levels provide a platform for students to seek entry into tertiary study, or into professional art realms. It is also at this level that artists develop and refine their style or genre of art in whatever form or disciple they pursue.
Symbols in the achievement objectives have been used to assist in the identification of the strands; exploration, creating, knowing, and appreciation. These are not absolute and should be seen as examples of how the achievement objectives could be utilized by the teacher when planning their arts programme.