Hononga | Aroha | Tauutuutu | Kawenga

Te Kura o Matapihi

Papaki tū ana ngā tai ki Mauao

I whakanukunukuhia, i whakanekenekehia;

I whiua reretia e Hoturoa a Wahinerua ki te wai

Ki Waihīhī, ki Waihāhā,

Ki te whaiao ki te ao mārama,

Tihē Mauri Ora!

Ko Mauao te maunga; ko Mataatua te waka; ko Tauranga te moana; ko Ngāi Tūkairangi, Ngāti Kuku, Ngāti Tapu ngā hapū. Ko Whareroa, ko Hungahungatoroa, ko Waikari ngā marae, ka mutu, ko Ngāi Te Rangi te iwi.

Nau piki mai, nau kake mai e te iwi e te motu ki tēnei ko tō tātou kura. He kura wiwini, he kura wawana, he kura ā iwi.

Founded in 1913, Te Kura o Matapihi is a Kura ā Iwi, Kura Kaupapa Māori state funded kura catering for new entrants to Year 8 students.  Since the very beginning, our Kura has continued to provide education for the Matapihi Community.  

Te Kura o Matapihi is a Rural school providing a quality immersion education for approximately 200 tamariki.  The majority of our tamariki identify with the three main marae in this area, Waikari Marae, Hungahungatoroa Marae and Whareroa Marae.  We have 80% of our tamariki who are able to identify as Ngai Te Rangi and 20% who whakapapa with other iwi within Aotearoa.  

Our location, only 7km from Tauranga and Mount Maunganui, enables us to combine the best of both a rural and urban education.  We have a proud history and a high level of community involvement and good will.

Our Year 1- Year 8 classes are taught in Te Reo Māori total Immersion Level 1 .  All of our Year 5-8 tamariki particpate in English classes for one hour, four days a week.  We have ten classes and our Te Reo Pākehā classroom and Digi Classroom.